Thursday, 2 October 2014

Interesting facts behind some famous Company Logo's - part 1

Why do Company have Logo?

                                        Logo is a symbol that provides customers with instant and powerful brand recognition of a business and the products or services being offered. It is part of a company's branding strategy, and it serves as a small ad for the company.
                          A logo aims to portray a company's values and goals, It is important to develop a brand strategy before starting the process of creating a logo, in order to avoid putting across the wrong message. A company must maintain a consistent brand message to improve customer recognition. When designing a logo, it is crucial to define a clear message that a firm wants the brand to convey. The logo will reflect this message, so there must be a strong association between the brand and the logo. Furthermore, a logo has to reflect professionalism and growth. 

Can company Logo have Hidden message?

                                  Nowadays there are so many companies with instantly recognizable logos, but few people actually know the meaning behind these corporate symbols. Here are some modern day examples of company logos and the interesting facts behind them

1. Amazon

amazon logo meaning Top 10 Famous Logos, Which Have A Hidden Meaning
The arrow which looks like a smiling face in Amazon’s logo has another meaning behind it. It is a representation of the wide range of items available for retail by Amazon, from A to Z.

2. Mobil

mobil logo meaning1 Top 10 Famous Logos, Which Have A Hidden Meaning
Mobil’s logo itself does not represent anything, but the colors do. The red represents strength while the blue in the logo represents faithfulness and security.

3. FedEx

fedex logo meaning Top 10 Famous Logos, Which Have A Hidden Meaning
The FedEx logo looks simple and it’s hard to see what could be hidden within it. But looking closely at the space between the ‘E’ and ‘X’ in the orange Ex shows an arrow pointing forward. This arrow represents moving forward toward to the future.

4. Volkswagen

volkswagen logo meaning Top 10 Famous Logos, Which Have A Hidden Meaning
The Volkswagen logo simply shows the letter of the company’s initials. The word “Volks” is German for people, while “Wagen”is German for car.

5. Toyota

toyota logo meaning Top 10 Famous Logos, Which Have A Hidden Meaning
There are three ellipses visible in the company’s logo. Each ellipse represents the heart of the customer, the heart of the product and the heart of technological progress.


mecerdes benz logo meaning Top 10 Famous Logos, Which Have A Hidden Meaning
Mercedes’ tri-star represents the companies dominance over land, sea and air.

7. BMW

bmw logo meaning Top 10 Famous Logos, Which Have A Hidden Meaning
BMW’s logo is a tribute to the company’s history in aviation. The logo shows a propeller in motion with the blue part representing the sky. This is due to the company’s role of building aircraft engines for the German military during World War II.

8. Audi

audi logo meaning Top 10 Famous Logos, Which Have A Hidden Meaning
Many have wondered what the four circles in this automaker’s logo mean. Well the four circles represent the 4 companies that were a part of the Auto-Union Consortium in 1932, namely, DKW, Horch, Wanderer and Audi.

9. Apple

apple logo meaning Top 10 Famous Logos, Which Have A Hidden Meaning
The Apple logo is derived from the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible. The bitten apple represents the fruit from the “Tree of Knowledge”.

10. IBM

ibm logo meaning Top 10 Famous Logos, Which Have A Hidden Meaning
IBM’s logo has a hidden message for the whole world hidden in the Big Blue logo that represents it’s company. The white lines passing through give the appearance of the equal sign in the lower right corner, representing equality.

11. Formula 1

16 Famous Logos That Have A Hidden Message 4 -
Between the letter F and the speed marks is the number one.

12. Northwest Airlines

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This logo actually has two hidden messages. First, it features an N and a W in negative spaces. Second, the triangle in the circle points northwest as if it's a compass.

13. VAIO

16 Famous Logos That Have A Hidden Message 0 -
At first you just see the word VAIO, but look a little closer and you'll see the first two letters represent an analog symbol and the last two letters are binary.

14. Baskin Robbins

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Take a look at what's highlighted in pink. Look familiar? It's a 31, which is the number of flavors they offer.

15. Elefont

16 Famous Logos That Have A Hidden Message 10 -
Look at the negative space in the lowercase E - it's an elephant's trunk!

16. Tostitos

The two middle T's in Tostitos shows two friends sharing some tortilla chips and salsa.

17. Yoga Australia 

In this Yoga Australia logo you can discover the shape of Australia in the negative space formed between the woman’s raised leg and back.

18. Snooty Peacock 

Snooty Peacock is a jewellery store. Notice the hidden peacock in the face.

19. Spartan 

Conceptual logo that shows a golfer taking a swing and the head of a spartan warrior in helmet at the same time.

20. Sun Microsystems

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Usually boring tech companies stick with boring, meaningless logos, but not Sun Microsystems. Take a closer look at that diamond and you'll see it actually says Sun in every direction.

21. MyFonts 

Notice the palm of a hand in this MyFonts logo made out of the letters M and y.

22. Wendy's

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If you look at Wendy's collar you'll actually see the word "MOM." Their thinking is that the next time you think of mom's cooking, you'll think Wendy's.

23. The Bronx Zoo

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Look closely at the giraffes' legs. You'll see the animals are within a big city!

24. Unilever 

Unilever produces literally thousands of different products, thus the letter U is made up of symbols representing all these products and what they mean to their consumers.

25. Coca Cola

17 Famous Logos That Have A Hidden Message 34 -
Look closely at the "o." Do you notice anything? No? Don't worry because most people wouldn't notice it. It's actually the Denmark flag. This wasn't always the original intention. Coca Cola discovered that part of its logo looks like the Danish flag, which has been named the happiest country on earth. Once they discovered that, they set up a media stunt in Denmark's biggest airport, where they welcome people with flags. 
Still can't see the flag? Here you go:
17 Famous Logos That Have A Hidden Message 36 -

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Sources: Online search

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